Podcast productivity hack – batching | Episode 14

In this episode, we’re talking about an effective time management technique to become more productive – batching. And more specifically how you can batch the podcasting tasks in your workflow to help streamline your processes.

Essentially batching involves completing similar tasks in a scheduled block, avoiding the need for switching back and forth between skills and eliminating multi-tasking.  Research shows that task switching is hugely detrimental to productivity. When we change and flip between tasks, it can take, on average, 23 minutes for your brain to re-focus.

In this episode:

  • What is batching?
  • Which tasks to batch in the podcasting workflow
  • Different ways to batch your tasks.

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Lyndal Harris - Podcast Coach & Consultant Australia

Lyndal Harris
Podcaster | Podcasting Mentor
Podcasting Launch Strategist

Hey there ... I"m Lyndal Harris

I help business owners, entrepreneurs and creatives launch and grow their show with confidence to amplify their message. I offer various podcasting services from ‘Launch‘ to ‘Growth & Monetisation‘ as well as various ‘Workshops & Masterclasses‘.

You’re welcome to join my free Australian Podcasters Collaborative Facebook group if you’re interested in connecting with other podcasters.